Given the digital age in which we live, the preservation of born digital and other electronic records is of high priority for all of us. The links on this page will take you to a variety of resources outlining what digital preservation is, why it’s important and how to do it! Searching under ‘digital preservation’ will produce all of the resources listed below and many more. Just take your time browsing through them as with all things on the Internet – some resources will be much better than others. And, of course, you can always contact the Archivist for assistance.
- For a general definition of digital preservation and how it’s evolved.
See: Wikipedia.
- For details about digital preservation standards and best practices, tools and services, and education and training. There is also a substantial section on personal digital archiving.
See: Library of Congress.
- For technical informatin about presevation of digital images.
See: Cornell University Library.
- For simple steps for preserving digital images.
See: @ Your Library.